
Usability is a crucial aspect of the project, as mentioned earlier. It encompasses various key elements that enhance the overall user experience and engagement within the ecosystem:

  1. Packaging of Royalty Commitments: Usability is evident in the seamless packaging of the royalty commitments generated by the electric energy-producing company. This process ensures that users can easily access and understand the terms and benefits associated with their ownership of Functional Non-Fungible Tokens (FNFTs) within the project.

  2. Utilization of DApps: The project leverages decentralized applications (dApps) to empower users with enhanced functionalities and interactivity. These dApps provide intuitive interfaces and tools that facilitate smooth interactions, allowing users to make informed decisions and efficiently manage their FNFTs.

  3. User Contract Identification: Usability is enhanced by providing users with transparent and user-friendly mechanisms to identify themselves as owners of specific contracts within the ecosystem. This identification process ensures clear ownership and accountability, promoting trust and security in the project.

  4. News and Project Announcements: The project's usability extends to the timely and accessible dissemination of news and updates related to the collection. Through well-designed communication channels, users are promptly informed about new projects, developments, and opportunities, fostering an engaged and informed community.

Last updated

Change request #26: