Buying and Selling Electricity through NFTs

  • Negotiation and contracting process

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Transfer of NFT Ownership and Associated Energy

The FNFT (Functional Non-Fungible Token) bears the responsibility of providing profits to the partners who acquire these assets. The obligation to pay royalties is sent to the holders who are owners of this asset, ensuring the disbursement of funds that are uniquely identified by the NFTs. The contract of royalties is bundled within the FNFT.

When Qenergy México generates contracts with clients and the energy-producing company: These profits, paid every quarter of the year, are remitted by the clients to the energy-producing company. Subsequently, this energy-producing company converts the profits into cryptocurrency after fulfilling tax obligations.

Distribution of Cryptocurrency to FNFT Holders via the Protocol: The resulting cryptocurrency is then distributed to each wallet holder of these FNFTs through the protocol. This distribution process ensures that each FNFT holder receives their rightful share of profits in a secure and transparent manner.

By encapsulating the royalties contract within the FNFT and implementing a reliable distribution mechanism through the FRQTAL protocol , the transfer of NFT ownership and associated energy becomes an efficient and auditable process. FNFT holders can be assured of receiving their entitled profits, while Qenergy México and its clients can benefit from a seamless and crypto-enabled energy profit-distrbution system (the smart contract of the collection)... REDACTALO DE MEJOR FORMA, ENFOCANDOTE EN EL CONTRATO DE LA COLECCION .

Payment Process

The payment process after selling the electric energy involves several key steps to ensure efficient and secure transactions. Here is an overview of the process:

  1. Customer Payment to Qenergy México : Upon purchasing the electric energy, the customer makes the payment to Qenergy México , the energy-management company. At this stage, the applicable taxes in Mexico, are deducted from the payment of royalties.

  2. OTC Process and Conversion to Crypto: After settling the taxes, an Over-The-Counter (OTC) process commences to exchange fiat capital for cryptocurrencies. This conversion takes place using the FRQTAL MARKETPLACE SAPI DE CV protocol, enabling the FNFT collection to be funded with cryptocurrency. The smart contract governing the FNFT collection then disperses the capital equally among all its members.

  3. Capital Reception in User Wallets: The received capital is credited to the user's wallet, accessible through the user section of the platform. Users can navigate to their wallet, where they can view the available funds section.

  4. User's Choice of Handling Funds: At this point, users have the freedom to decide how to manage their received funds. They can either keep the cryptocurrency in their wallet, convert it back to fiat, or explore other crypto investment opportunities. The responsibility for managing these royalties rests with each individual FNFT holder.

  5. User Initiated Withdrawals: Subsequently, users can choose to withdraw their funds from the platform as desired. The process of withdrawing funds may involve converting cryptocurrency back to fiat, depending on the user's preferences and requirements.

The payment process in this manner ensures a streamlined and transparent approach to distributing capital among FNFT holders. Users can actively participate in managing their earnings while enjoying the flexibility to make financial decisions based on their individual needs. This well-defined process allows for a seamless and user-friendly payment experience within the FRQTAL ecosystem.

-- en caso de fees. grafico

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