
The concept of royalties in the FNFT collection is fundamental to its sustainable energy generation and distribution model. Here are the key aspects of the royalty system:

  1. Investment in Renewable Solar Energy: A significant portion, specifically 80% of the value derived from FNFT sales, will be allocated to the purchase of renewable solar energy-generating plants. These plants will be instrumental in producing energy, and the revenues generated from their operations will contribute to the distribution of royalties among FNFT holders.

  2. Role of SERVICIOS Y DESAROLLOS MTMX SRL de CV: is the entity responsible for managing and overseeing the renewable energy-generating plants. Their role involves efficiently operating these plants to generate consistent royalties from the sale of energy, which will then be shared among the FNFT holders.

  3. Royalties Distribution in FRQ: The royalties collected from the renewable energy sales will not be provided in fiat currency. Instead, they will be distributed in xFRQ tokens. Holders of FNFTs will receive these tokens as compensation for their ownership in the collection.

  4. Flexibility for FNFT Holders: As the royalties will be disbursed in xFRQ tokens, FNFT holders will have the flexibility to decide how to use, sell, hold, or exchange these tokens as per their preferences and market conditions. This feature empowers FNFT holders with freedom and choice in managing their rewards.

  5. Variable Royalty Amounts: It is essential to understand that royalties are not fixed and can vary over time. The amount of royalties distributed to FNFT holders depends on various factors, such as energy market dynamics, sales volumes, and industry fluctuations. Therefore, all comments and communications regarding royalty amounts should be considered as variable and subject to change.

The royalty system within the FNFT collection establishes a sustainable energy ecosystem by investing in renewable solar energy sources. FNFT holders become beneficiaries of the royalties generated from these energy sales, receiving rewards in the form of xFRQ tokens. The flexible nature of these rewards enables FNFT holders to make decisions tailored to their individual preferences and financial strategies. However, it is crucial to keep in mind that royalty amounts may fluctuate over time based on market conditions and industry developments.

Last updated